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Supporting the Cause

Thank you for your consideration in helping my semester abroad become a reality

My semester abroad would not be possible without the support of friends and family due to a lack of funding from the state and the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Since Illinois’s budget for funding higher education decreased since last year, I will not receive all my funding for school and my semester abroad.

The approximate cost for my semester is $10,000. Yes, this seems like a lot; however, studying abroad is cheaper than a normal semester at the University of Illinois! The only problem is that the financial aid has decreased due to our state budget here in Illinois. Luckily I have already been awarded two additional scholarships! In the end, I must fund $4,000 to make everything possible.


I know that with today’s economy, money can be tight; however, if you would like to help me on my semester abroad, donations can be sent using the DONATE button at the bottom of the page. If you would like to mail a check donation, please message me for my home mailing address.

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