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Vallendar, Germany

Situated along the Rhine River in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Vallendar is centrally located between Frankfurt and Cologne. Vallendar is home to several elderly people and college students with a total population of approximately 8,500 inhabitants. Unlike college towns in the USA, Vallendar is a historic town, or village, that strongly holds onto their heritage and traditions. Vallendar has unique shops along the windy and hilly streets. Shops like a watch repair shop, shoe shop, and a linen shop can be found in the town. There are also several bakeries, cafes, and restaurants. Most of these shops typically only accept Euros and speak German, or very little English. This makes it very difficult to communicate; however, pointing always works. It is German law that a resting period takes place during 1pm-3pm. Shopping during this time period is very difficult since most stores and shops close down. Some places reopen and some stay closed until the next morning at 8am.

WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management

Situated in the middle of Vallendar, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management is unique for this town. The school mixes together traditional architecture with modern technology and architecture. WHU is a private school founded in 1984. Although young in its age, WHU is an excellent school and ranks 8th in the MBA program worldwide. With approximately 1,100 students (bachelor students), the campus community has a close relationship with each other and has an atmosphere of everyone knows everyone. The semester is split up into two quarters with classes that differ in location and times each week. The WHU community really loves having exchange students, or Tauschies, at the university. The exchange program at WHU makes up 10% of the students on campus. Students at WHU plan various events for the exchange students and make all Tauschies feel at home.


Hello everyone! I'm Ethan and I created this blog as a way to connect with friends and family back in the states and share my travels. I am currently an undergrad in the College of Business at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Starting in January of 2017, I will be studying at WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management! More information about the institution I will be attending can be found here:


I am so grateful for this opportunity of a lifetime. I want to thank everyone who has supported me in my decisions and stood by me, especially my friends and family.

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